Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
The Erasmus Mundus Master of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modellingis a joint initiative of seven European Universities, including KU Leuven. A two-year Erasmus Mundus Master's Programme co-ordinated by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. It will train you to master a wide range of theoretical and computational tools.
Modern Chemistry is unthinkable without the achievements of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. As a result these disciplines have become a mandatory tool for the molecular science towards the end of the 20th century, and they will undoubtedly mark the new era that lies ahead of us.
In this perspective the training and formation of the new generations of computational and theoretical chemists with a deep and broad knowledge is of paramount importance. Experts from seven European universities have decided to join forces in a European Master Course for Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM). This course is recognized as an Erasmus Mundus course by the European Union.
Graduates will have acquired the skills and competences for advanced research in chemical, physical and material sciences, will be qualified to collaborate in an international research team, and will be able to develop professional activities as experts in molecular design in pharmaceutical industry, petrochemical companies and new-materials industry.