Interior Architecture

Our international programme offers students a unique Master level design-research education with a critical and experimental focus on the complex and developing field of Interior Architecture.
This programme is offered by Piet Zwart Institute. Piet Zwart Institute houses the international Master programmes of the Willem de Kooning Academy at Hogeschool Rotterdam.
Interior Architects today are faced with a changing world of new realties, technologies, socio-political, environmental and economic challenges; consequently the practice of the designer needs to expand, react and determine future roles. For this reason, we question the conventions of Interior Architecture across disciplinary edges in order to create new perspectives in the production of space. Design as research is viewed as multidimensional, circulating along numerous pathways and scales, from the local to the global, from objects to architecture and beyond. Students are expected to be independent and forward thinking. Our multidisciplinary and proactive approach to design education creates a sense of openness, possibility and intellectual rigor to nurture innovative 21st century designers.

Hoe wordt deze opleiding beoordeeld?

Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2023 over aspecten van deze opleiding?

Deze opleiding
Interior Architecture
Landelijke gemiddelde Verschil
Deze opleiding
Interior Architecture
Landelijke gemiddelde Verschil
Het gemiddelde tevredenheidsoordeel (schaal van 1-10) van studenten over de studiefaciliteiten, denk bijv. aan de computerruimtes, de bibliotheek en de ICT-faciliteiten.
9.2 9.2 0
Toon meer

Burgemeester S'jacobplein 1
3015 CA Rotterdam