Manager International Hospitality


Do you dream of having a career as a supervisor or manager in a place where guests, customers, travellers and visitors come together? Do you want to work in an internationally oriented environment either at home or abroad? Do you want to become an excellent hospitality manager, who is flexible and capable of making a difference in the hospitality sector of a company? Would you like to become a motivational and inspirational leader for groups in the future? Then the Manager International Hospitality course might be perfect for you!

The International Hospitality Manager is operational within the entire corporate chain. You are continuously supervising all processes and will know how to define new operational steps. The program’s emphasis is on attitude and behavior, something that is really important in the current job market. In this program you will learn about: communicating effectively in English and Spanish,, working in an international environment with a variety of cultures, result-oriented working and networking; innovative and creative thinking, leading, motivating and inspiring others, through various leadership styles, working in different hospitality environments, functioning as a contact for guests, customers, travellers and visitors, achieving commercial success, using technology and social media marketing tools, working in a project and in teams, developing your skills to become an independent professional.

You can follow this education in BOL.


  • Middenkaderopleiding
    Dit is een volledige opleiding van 3 of 4 jaar. Hiervoor gelden dezelfde eisen als de vakopleiding (niveau 3).
  • Specialistenopleiding
    Deze opleiding volg je als je het mbo-3-diploma hebt behaald en wil doorleren in hetzelfde beroep. Deze opleiding duurt dan nog 1 jaar.
Kijk altijd op de website van de school om te weten hoe de toelating geregeld is.
Da Costastraat 36
1053 ZN Amsterdam